As a manager and trainer in WE ARE FOOTBALL, you’ll come face to face with the latest trends in the world of football, experiencing all the emotional highs and lows of your favorite club.
For the first time ever, this modern football manager game also offers a women’s football game mode, featuring all the same functionality as well as many unique gameplay elements. To maintain and ensure the highest quality across all game modes, WE ARE FOOTBALL has been developed with experienced football management veterans such as Gerald Köhler, Rolf Langenberg, and Dirk Winter.
You’ll get immediate feedback for every decision, big and small. You’ll have to plan out your deadlines effectively in the game, and will only be truly successful in the club by working together with your colleagues.
WE ARE FOOTBALL focuses on real management tasks. The goal of the game is to build up the club over the long haul, including growing the team, colleagues, infrastructure, fans, and more. As a result, the football players in the game are individual personalities who spin their own stories.
A season can be played through in a few hours: You’re in the middle of the action after just a few minutes. Alone, several seasons can be played through in one afternoon, and two players can even finish a season in an evening.
There’s always new challenges to face in WE ARE FOOTBALL. The bigger the club, the bigger the challenge!

- Beginner-friendly and playable without long introductions or tutorials – easy to learn but hard to master
- Just as complex as traditional manager games
- Expandable 3D stadium and 3D club grounds, as well as a club museum you can walk through
- Comprehensive statistics section – a real treat for fans
- The game comes with an editor which lets you create your own leagues or clubs
- Any country in the world can be edited
Die WE ARE FOOTBALL – Edition „Bundesliga“ enthält das WE ARE FOOTBALL Basisspiel und den WE ARE FOOTBALL DLC – Edition „Bundesliga“ inkl. aller Clubs der Saison 2020/21 und 2021/22 (als kostenloses Update in der neuen Saison) der Bundesliga und 2. Bundesliga sowie der FLYERALARM Frauen-Bundesliga und 2. Frauen-Bundesliga.
ACHTUNG: Der WE ARE FOOTBALL DLC – Edition „Bundesliga“ ist nur mit der deutschen Spracheinstellung im Spiel verwendbar. Mit jeder anderen Spracheinstellung sind aus lizenz-rechtlichen Gründen keine Originaldaten der Ligen spielbar.
Übernimm die Verantwortung, führe deinen Club zum Titel und hole dir im Wettbewerbsmodus zusätzlich den DFB-Pokal und den Supercup.
Erstmals in einem Fußball-Manager Spiel integriert sind die FLYERALARM Frauen-Bundesliga sowie die 2. Frauen-Bundesliga, ebenfalls mit allen originalen Clubs.
- Einsteigerfreundlich und ohne lange Eingewöhnung spielbar: „easy to learn but hard to master“
- Komplexität angelehnt an die traditionellen Manager-Games
- Ausbaubares 3D-Stadion und 3D-Vereinsgelände & begehbares Vereinsmuseum
- Umfangreicher Statistik-Bereich - hier kommen Statistik-Fans voll auf ihre Kosten
- Mit dem Spiel wird ein Editor geliefert, mit dem sich eigene Ligen oder eigene Vereine erstellen lassen
- Alle Länder der Welt editierbar